The Friends are a group of citizens who:
- believe in the library and the importance of its service to the people of Lima and Allen County
- believe in the value of books and reading in the lives of young and old
- look to the library as the book and information center of the community
- believe the library is not only a repository of book materials, but an active, dynamic, educational force.
"The purpose of this organization shall be to maintain an association of persons interested in books and libraries; to focus public attention on library services, facilities and needs, to influence the gifts of books, magazines, desirable collections, endowments, scholarships and bequests to the library, through ways approved by the Board of Trustees of the Lima Public Library." ART.II CONSTITUTION
Dues are due and payable at the beginning of the fiscal year, which shall be from October until October:
Individual: $10 Family: $15 Patron: $25
The Friends of the Lima Public Library meet monthly, in the Memorial Book Room, April through October, at 1:00 p.m. Meetings are generally on the third or fourth Monday of the month, and the public is welcome.