No More Late Fees

No More Late Fees









No More Late Fees! 

Lima Library is excited to announce that our Board of Trustees has eliminated  late fees for ALL Lima Library cardholders effective June 1, 2023! To kick off this new policy, the Board has also approved a one-time waiving of all current fees and fines on cardholders’ accounts. With this new policy, patrons will no longer accrue late fees on overdue materials.* We want to give everyone a fresh start at the Lima Library! 

Cardholders will still be responsible for fees related to lost or damaged library materials and materials recovery service fees. 

Why are we going fine free? We understand that life can get hectic and the unexpected can happen, keeping patrons from returning their materials on time. And for some of our most vulnerable patrons, late fees can mean the difference between accessing important library materials or having to go without. We do not want anyone to face a financial barrier to use the library. We also believe that this will lessen the negative experiences that can be associated with late fees. 


Frequently Asked Questions 

What does “no more late fees” really mean? 

Effective June 1, 2023, Lima Library and its branches will no longer charge late fees on overdue material.* 

Why change the policy? Doesn’t the Library rely on fines for its funding? 

We are making this change because overdue fines are a barrier for many residents who simply cannot afford to pay if they are a few days late returning an item. When overdue fines accrue over time, they represent a financial barrier that disproportionately affects low-income families and children. In 2022 fines only accounted for .17% of library revenue at Lima Library. 

Without a fine, what is the incentive to return materials? 

With the new policy, library materials that are not returned more than 30 days after their due date will be considered lost. When an item is Lost, borrowers will be charged a Replacement Fee. When a Lost item is returned, the Replacement Fee is cleared – that’s a strong incentive to bring items back to the library! 

The library has been working towards this for a while. Our digital collections (Hoopla and Libby) do not accrue fines and for the past three years patrons have received three automatic renewals to help avoid overdue fines.  

This all sounds great, but what about the fines already on my account? 

In addition to removing late fees, the Board of Trustees has authorized the one-time elimination of all current fines and fees, creating a fresh start for all patron accounts. Going forward, overdue fines will no longer accrue when items are a few days late. 

What if I don't return an item? 

Patrons receive an automatic three renewals on items (unless there is a hold on that item). Items not returned ten days after their due date will be declared Long Overdue and will cause the patron's borrowing privileges to be suspended (status changed to blocked) until items are returned. Items not returned 30 days after their due date will be declared Lost and a Replacement Fee will be charged. When items are returned, the replacement fee will be waived. 

Does this mean I have to wait longer to get a book I want to read? 

The quickest way to get the book is by placing it on hold. Staff at any desk are willing and ready to help you do so! You can also visit the catalog via our website, sign into your account, and place holds that way. 

What if I JUST paid my fines? Can I get a refund? 

Unfortunately, this change does not take effect until June 1, 2023, so any fines paid prior to that cannot be refunded.  

I have more questions, who do I ask? 

For more information about the library no longer charging late fees, patrons can call 419-228-5113. 


*The only exceptions to these policies are Wi-Fi Hotspots and items from the Library of Things.