Research Databases

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
Image Description
Oxford Research Encyclopedias image.
Oxford Research Encyclopedias

Articles written, peer-reviewed, and edited by leading scholars. Each of the twenty-five distinct encyclopedias cover both foundational and cutting-edge topics in order to develop, over time, an anchoring knowledge base for major areas of research across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. 

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Science Reference Center database image.
Science Reference Center

Science Reference Center allows users to conduct keyword searches or browse topics by branch of science. In addition to full-text periodicals, books, biographies and essays, it includes more than 1,000 science experiments, more than 2,000 science videos from top educational publishers including Boclips, Media4Math, Nature Picture Library and Twig Education, and thousands of high-quality science images from UPI, Getty, NASA, National Geographic and Nature Picture Library.

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