Research Databases

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
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About:books image.

Information on books and authors.

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Author check website image.
Author Check

Have a favorite author? Have 20? It's tough to keep track of which author has books coming out soon, so let us do it for you! Subscribe via email if you would like to get notified when a new book by your favorite authors arrives at Lima Public Library.

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Literary Reference Center image.
Literary Reference Center

Combining information from major respected reference works, books, literary journals and original content from EBSCO, Literary Reference Center features an expansive collection of classic and contemporary full-text poems, short stories, and novels.

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New Book Alert website image.
New Book Alert

Have a favorite type of book? Get notified once per month with the new titles that Lima Public Library Added to that category. Whether it's teen fiction, mystery thrillers, or crafts you'll get the first look at our newest additions.

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SelectReads website image.

Receive a monthly e-mail of books in whatever category you select. It's like you're own personal librarian suggesting books for you to read! The best part is that the titles e-mailed to you are definitely available to check out at the Lima Public Library.

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