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Book Clubs @ Your Library!
Our book clubs are always open to new members. Check our events calendar for meeting dates and book titles.
Lima Clubs:
A new book club celebrating multiculturalism and diversity.
Lady Tan's Circle of Women by Lisa See: Saturday, March 30@11a in the Memorial Book Room
Gender Outlaw by Kate Bornstein & S. Bear Bergman: Saturday, April 20@11a in the Memorial Book Room
American History Resources
Museums & Other Historical Sights
Summer Library Club for Kids!
Adventure Begins at Your Library!
June 1 - July 27 at all Library locations!
Ancestry Library Edition
Here is some text to describe this database briefly. Here is some text to describe this database briefly. Here is some text to describe this database briefly.
AtoZ Databases
The Premier Job Search, Reference, and Mailing List Databases. The databases include 2.3 million job listings, 30 million business & executive profiles, 1.1 million healthcare professionals, and much more. Ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends and relatives, and much more!